Frighteningly Good Offer


Halloween Candles

It seems strange to be writing about Halloween. The Indian Summer most of us have enjoyed has kept Autumn from our minds for the most part but as we’re now in October there is no denying the change in season is now upon us. Whilst we’re always sorry to wave Summer goodbye Autumn can be such a beautiful season it’s hard not to welcome it too. October not only heralds a change in the weather but also in the scents and colours that surround us. Out go the pastel shades and floral bouquets to be replaced by orange, deep red, browns and black, striking and awe-inspiring in nature and bringing a feeling of warmth when used indoors. We mark October by reducing the price of what we call our ‘Halloween Candles’. A selection of candles and candle holders chosen for their colour or scent that we’ve taken a full 25% off the price of - Scary! We’ve Orange Bubble Tealight Holders, Deep Red Glitter Tealights and Orange coloured 8 inch Rustic Candles for example. It also gives us an excuse to bring out one of our favourite scents, Orange and Cinnamon, with the Orange and Cinnamon Large Candle Tin reduced to £5.25 this month. If you want to really embrace Halloween we’ve also got a great selection of black candles and candle holders some even combine with the mysterious Amber Noir scent. It doesn’t matter whether you intend to throw a full-scale Halloween party or simply add a dash of autumnal colour to your home, embrace the change in the season and enjoy the savings Shearer Candles offer this month!


Stephanie Barnet Marketing Executive Shearer Candles

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